SECURE: 12.20 THB -1.30 / -9.63%
We are proud to be the regional distributor in Cybersecurity which is reliable in business growth and bring success for Vendors and System Integrators (SI) with our value-added services and our experts.
Nakrop Niamnamtham

The development and growth of the digital industry sector is classified in the New S-curve target industry focused continuously as the main role in business operations with having cybersecurity system as one of the key factor to support business’s growth agilely and safely in the digital world. Nowadays, the business sector is accelerating rapidly the technology’s investment, especially, connecting Internet of things (IoT) devices and working from anywhere trend in this era. It can increase more cyber risks such as data leaking or cyber-attacks. Thus, the entrepreneurs give priority to cybersecurity risk management reflected in the investment budget of companies around the world in tools and software defensing attacks or hackers.

SECURE, we are experts and value-added distributor with more than 17 years in a market of world-class cybersecurity products and services with expertise cybersecurity teams. We commit to source new quality products and our services development to be a part of a promotion of digital industry in Thailand for stable growth and strong cybersecurity in long-term. We are ready to provide cybersecurity solutions and services in all dimensions such as Network Security, Endpoint Security, Network Performance and Monitoring including new outstanding solutions as Application Security, Email Security and PDPA & Data Protection.

In 2022, Our Directors, Executives and employees fully devote for stable growth continuously under the situation of currency exchange rate fluctuations and semiconductor shortage. Although, the situation has become better, it isn’t completely normal as a previous condition. The Company’s performance for the year 2022 with a total revenue 897.19 million baht increasing 8.57% from the previous year, total net profit 56.39 million baht decreasing 11.12% from the previous year due to the exchange rate fluctuations. However, the Management team under the supervision of the Board of Directors would like to give thanks to shareholders, business partners, employees and all parties related for being good corporation and a part of the Company’s success. We commit to provide products and develop services and expertise team for the Company’s strength to increase the competitiveness and push forward the sustainable growth under the principles of Corporate Governance and Code of Conduct with our responsibilities to stakeholders for the utmost benefit of all parties.

Nakrop Niamnamtham
Chief Executive Officer