SECURE: 14.80 THB +0.20 / 1.37%
Mr. Karoon Phungsoondara
Asst. Prof.Dr.Pattanant Petchchedchoo
Mr. Piyasak Chotipruk
Mr. Karoon Phungsoondara
Mr. Karoon Phungsoondara
  • Independent Director
  • Chairman of the Corporate Governance Committee
Asst. Prof.Dr.Pattanant Petchchedchoo
Asst. Prof.Dr.Pattanant
  • Chairman of the Board of Director (Independent Director)
  • Chairman of the Audit Committee
  • Chairman of the Risk Management Committee
  • Member of the Corporate Governance Committee
Mr. Piyasak Chotipruk
Mr. Piyasak Chotipruk
  • Independent Director
  • Member of the Audit Committee
  • Member of the Risk Management Committee
  • Member of the Corporate Governance Committee