In 2023, the growth rate of cybersecurity products jumps up around the world due to the main factor as many industries still drive business by technologies for convenience, speed and cost control. As the current situation, hackers have developed a variety of cyber treats and evade detection such as malware, phishing, vishing, wormware, and ransomware, etc. As a result, the organizations alert attacks, seek effective security system and provide cybersecurity awareness training to staffs for protecting stably and closing vulnerabilities within the organization's systems as much as possible.
SECURE is veteran cybersecurity experts and specialty distributor with more than 18 years’ experience for offering new several worldclass products and developing the company's services. For supporting customers' business operations in every dimension, The Company proposes products and solutions such as Application security, Cloud security, Email security, endpoint security, Identity and Access Management (IAM), Network Performance and Monitoring, Security Operations Center (SOC), Network security, PDPA & Data security and others related to ensure that the systems of customer are stable and safe. The Company would like to be as a part of promoting cyber security in long-term for the digital industry in Thailand.
In 2023, Directors, Executives and employees fully devote for stable growth. The Company’s performance for the year 2023 with total 1,072.26 million baht increasing 19.51% for the previous year and total net profit 91.05 million baht increasing 61.47% for the previous year. However, the Management team under the supervision of the Board of Directors would like to give thanks to shareholders, business partners, employees and all parties related for being good corporation and a part of the Company’s success. We commit to provide products and develop services and expertise team for the Company’s strength to increase the competitiveness and push forward the sustainable growth under the principles of Corporate Governance and Code of Conduct with our responsibilities to stakeholders for the utmost benefit of all parties.
Nakrop Niamnamtham
Chief Executive Officer